For many years, I've been collecting pictures in magazines and putting them in relation with similar images. I simply glue them in a small pupil's exercise book. I'm filling my 4th one. I look at them from time to time, for the pleasure of the eyes, and I often marvel at mankind's creative talents!
Dans le même ordre d'idée, vous pouvez consulter le fameux livre Les motifs de la création, de Loan Oei et Cecile de Kegel.
In the same line of idea, you can look at the now famous book The Elements of design, by Loan Oei and Cecile de Kegel.
C'est aussi une des raisons pourquoi j'adore le magnifique blog de Oh joy!, this&that, qui se livre à ce petit exercice périodiquement, avec beaucoup de succès!
It's also one of the reason I love the beautiful blog Oh joy!, this&that, who periodically and successfully does a similar exercise!