mardi 8 novembre 2011


Walking along the Seine, and admiring the barks on the trees ....

En marchant le long de la Seine, admirant l'écorce des arbres ...

5 commentaires

  1. C'est très beau en photo ... mais pauvres arbres !

  2. Hi from BYW! Wow It took my a while to realise that the images were close ups of bark - would be beautiful as posters!

  3. J'aime tes photos, l'art se cache ou se dévoile aux yeux attentifs!

  4. Entre Zig zag et troncs "sculptés" tu nous offres là un regard original et artistique!
    Jolies photos!

  5. You made me smile! Absolutely one of my favorite subjects to photograph! And these share more than the life of the tree! I love how you see beauty in everything.


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