mercredi 30 janvier 2013

Some more cards...

I made cards last week with left over threads, and now I'm using scraps from one of my current projects. I'm in a card mood!...

J'ai fait des cartes la semaine passée avec des restes de fils, et maintenant j'utilise les restes d'un de mes projet en cours. Je suis d'humeur à faire des cartes!...

See more WIP at Freshly Pieced!
Retrouver d'autres travaux en cours chez Freshly Pieced!

19 commentaires

  1. Visiting from WIP WEDNESDAY. I love these. So colourful.

  2. These look a great use of scraps, off to check out the other ones.

  3. These are the coolest cards I have seen so far, great visual patterns

  4. What a fabulous idea... they look amazing.

  5. I love your assortment of striped fabric!

  6. Je laisse peut être pour la 1ere fois un commentaire. Ces cartes sont tout ce que j'aime, colorées, structurées !! un bonheur des yeux !! Bravo et merci !!

  7. Who knew all those different stripes would look so good together? Lovely!

  8. Love these. I have a ton of homespuns. I see mug mats in my future. Love!

  9. These really caught my eye on WIP Wednesday - those colours and stripes are just gorgeous!

  10. Really beautiful and inspired-as always, as were the thread ones from last week. And today I enjoyed a glimpse of your space. Thanks!
    I was wondering if you're happy if I pin some of your things to my inspiration board on Pinterest? Of course linking back to your blog!

  11. You put me in a card mood too! And by the looks of the comments here - you have inspired lots of others too!!!


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2025 © Mary & Patch. Made with love by The Dutch Lady Designs.