Concours / Contest 2014: Deformation
Here are a few pictures from the contest. There were some very interesting pieces, but the quilts were very poorly hung, touching each other, with no room to step back. I still managed to take a few photos!
Voici quelques photos du concours. Il y avait des pièces très intéressantes, mais les quilts étaitent très mal exposés, se touchant les uns les autres, sans recul possible. Mais j'ai tout de même réussi à faire quelques photos!
Claude Janik (France), Ainsi va la vie
Claude Janik (France), Ainsi va la vie (Detail)
Rita Frizzera (Italy), White Noise
Rita Frizzera (Italy), White Noise, (Detail)
Verena Giavelli (Italy), Dancing Squares
Verena Giavelli (Italy), Dancing Squares, (Detail)
Marina Tavella (Italy), Good Vibrations
Marina Tavella (Italy), Good Vibrations, (Detail)
Petra Kooij, (The Netherlands), Distortion
Petra Kooij, (The Netherlands), Distortion, (Detail)
Christine Mouget-Vuillemez, (France), Jean's Experience
Christine Mouget-Vuillemez, (France), Jean's Experience, (Detail)
Each one of these is a fresh and unique creation, very inspiring.