I could only put the top blocks on my wall, so I'll be working on the quilt in two parts, and do the "blue" part later. On this first part, I'm making the missing blocks, and altering some of the existing blocks. See the animated gif above.
Je ne pouvais mettre que les blocs du haut sur mon mur, alors je travaillerai ce quilt en deux parties, et je ferai la partie "bleue" plus tard. Sur cette première partie, je fais les blocks qui manquent et je modifie quelques uns des blocs existants. Voir le gif animé ci-dessus.
A new quilt for Christmas / 1
A new quilt for Christmas / 2
A new quilt for Christmas / 4
A new quilt for Christmas / 5
A new quilt for Christmas / 6
Interesting to see the changes! Block 3 along and 3 down was a particularly noticeable change with the yellow strip swapped out for a more subtle one.