jeudi 24 novembre 2016

Filmoplast for mini quilts

Here's how to make mini quilts using very small scraps.

Voici comment faire de mini quilts en utilisant de très petits restes.

First you'll need Filmoplast H54 by Neschen, it's an adhesive background, suitable for sewing.

Tout d'abord il vous faut du Filmoplast H54 par Neschen, c'est un fond adhésif qui convient à la couture.

Then you'll go to you scraps basket, and try to sort out a nice color progresssion.

Ensuite il vous faut trier votre panier de petits restes et essayer de créer un joli dégradé de couleurs.

Pull back the protection paper a little bit and start putting some scraps directly on the Filmoplast.

Tirer un peu le papier de protection et déposer les petits morceaux directement sur le Filmoplast.

Go on by overlapping the pieces slightly.

Continuer ainsi, en superposant un peu les pièces.

Once the surface is covered, put it on batting and backing.

Une fois que la surface est couverte, posez-la sur une ouatine et un dos. 

You can practice intricate quilting designs. I'm not a quilter myself, so I just quilt parallel lines!

Vous pouvez vous exercer à des motifs de quilting compliqués. Quant à moi, je ne suis pas une quilteuse, alors je fais simplement des lignes parallèles.

You can bind your tiny quilts with an invisible biais. The examples above will become pot holders. If I was to make miniature quilts, I would choose even smaller scraps...

Vous pouvez border vos mini quilts d'un biais invisible. Les exemples ci-dessus deviendront des maniques. Si je voulais faire des mini quilts, je choisirais des restes encore plus petits...

9 commentaires

  1. Superbe ! J'aime +++. Minnie

  2. Is this a fusible that you iron the fabric on to, or just an adhesive product to hold the scraps in place until you sew them? Do you know of a similar product here in the US?

  3. Kathy I just looked it up. It is sold for machine embroidery, so it should be available in specialty shops or perhaps online. Though I am seeing long rolls for $100.00.
    "Filmoplast Stic is a self-adhesive, non-woven embroidery backing." I will look around to see if there is something similar.

  4. Merci pour cette générosité du partage de techniques trop peu connues et pourtant faciles !

  5. Filmoplast is a brand that makes all kinds of adhesive products. Can you specify which product this is? And will it melt if used for pot holders? Does it dissolve when washed? It looks like plastic book covering.

  6. I use Filmoplast H54, a non woven backing for embroidery. It doesn't dissolve when washed, but it's quite fine, you don't feel it in a potholder. the heat comes mostly from the other side of the pot holder, not on the decorated side. And it won't melt!

  7. Merci de faire revivre ces souvenirs. Très intéressant


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