mercredi 21 mars 2018

Macramé bracelets

Sometimes there's no time, or place, or possibility for patchwork and quilting. But you can still work with fiber and colors! Have you already tried macramé? I'd never done it before trying this bracelet.
Doesn't make any noise, doesn't take anyplace, ideal for travelling!
See one of my most popular posts over the year, an easy and fun tutorial!

Quelques fois on n'a pas le temps, ou la place, ou la possibilité de faire du patchwork ou du quilting, Mais on peut quand même travailler les couleurs et la fibre! Vous avez déjà essayé le macramé? Je n'en avais jamais fait avant d'essayer ce bracelet. 
Cela ne fait pas de bruit, ne prend pas de place, idéal pour le voyage!
Voici un de mes articles le plus populaire sur le long terme, un tutorial facile et amusant!

More bracelets:

2 commentaires

  1. I did macramé back in the 1970s. Nothing nearly so colorful or delicate as your bracelets - a few just plant hangers and an owl wall hanging. I still have the instruction book. Sadly all are gone - the jute disintegrated over time.

    1. I was neer a fan of macramé, but really enjoyed making the bracelets. I can see that macramé is coming back!


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