mardi 26 avril 2016

Quilt for an exhibition

© Maryline Collioud-Robert, Rhythm 3, 95/45 cm, 2016

Quilt finished and hanging at our group exhibition, Neuchâtel Patchwork, in Moulin Bayerel, Fenin-Vilars-Saules, until May 1st.

Quilt terminé et suspendu à notre exposition de groupe, Neuchâtel Patchwork, au Moulin Bayerel, Fenin-Vilars-Saules jusqu'au 1er mai.

© Maryline Collioud-Robert, Rhythm 3, 95/45 cm, 2016, detail

This quilt is part 3 in a series of many more. See here the two first ones in the series and the making of  number 2, here, here and here!

Ce quilt est la troisième partie d'une série qui va grandir. Voir ici les deux premiers de la série, et la construction du numéro deux ici, ici et ici.

Quilt for an exhibition /1
Quilt for an exhibition /2

Linking to Finish Up Friday

4 commentaires

  1. J'aime énormément ces trois quilts et leur conception.

  2. Beautiful Maryline, congratulations! I would very much want to see it in person but I am a little too far!
    Myrto in Athens Greece

  3. Magnifique, j'aime beaucoup, ce choix de couleurs est vraiment superbe.

  4. This piece is so great! I love seeing the detail in the close up photo.


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2025 © Mary & Patch. Made with love by The Dutch Lady Designs.