A good point about Birmingham's Festival of Quilts are the lectures. If you want, you can spend your four days there, listening to artists, curators, etc. You have to choose well, but I recommend them, such a nice break from the crowd, and so much to learn and discover!
Un des bons côtés du Festival of Quilts à Birmingham sont les conférences. Si vous en avez envie, vous pouvez passer vos quatre jours sur place, à écouter des artistes, des conservateurs, etc. Il faut bien choisir, mais je les recommande, c'est une façon géniale de s'éloigner un peu de la foule, d'apprendre et de faire des découvertes!
One of the great lectures was given by Leslie Gabrielse, a Dutch artist, well known in the field of contemporary quilting. He gave an incredible presentation, explaining step by step how he combines hand appliqué and painting, layers upon layers.
It was a great moment, as Leslie is enthusiastic and very funny. He showed us hundreds of slides, and we would have liked to watch even more, it was so fascinating. Don't miss his website, and his book:
Une des bonnes conférences a été donnée par Leslie Gabrielse, un artiste hollandais, bien connu dans le cercle du quilting contemporain. Il a donné une conférence incroyable, expliquant pas à pas sa méthode combinant appliqué à la main et peinture, couche par couche. C'était un grand moment, car Leslie est enthousiaste et très drôle. Il nous a montré des centaines de dias, et on aurait aimé en voir encore, tellement c'était fascinant. Ne manquez pas son site, et son livre:
Leslie Gabriëlse, a portrait!
The book contains biographical information as well as a colorful survey of art quilts, drawings, paintings, collages and portraits !
One chapter is dedicated to a step by step process of two detailed sections of an art quilt especially designed for this book.
The book contains biographical information as well as a colorful survey of art quilts, drawings, paintings, collages and portraits !
One chapter is dedicated to a step by step process of two detailed sections of an art quilt especially designed for this book.
The book of 160 full color pages is in two languages: Dutch and English.
To purchase please contact : leslie.gabrielse@gmail.nl

Woman with two gents, 60" x 78", 2001
In balance, 56" x 98", 2012
Quel beau et bon coup d'oeil !!! De quoi réaliser des portraits sans reproches ...
RépondreSupprimerc'est splendide!