mercredi 8 février 2012

Macramé Bracelets Tutorial

Have you noticed that macramé is coming back? I've never done any, even back then, and didn't care much for it. Nevertheless, I did my first knots over Christmas, crafting with my daughter. Another addictive to be activity!
We used H&M bangles and just any cotton, and macraméd over the bangles with two different colors. Here's a tutorial on how to make macramé bracelets!

Avez-vous remarqué que le macramé revient en force? Je n'en avais jamais fait, même à l'époque, et ne l'aimais pas trop. Mais j'ai fait mes premiers noeuds pendant les fêtes, en bricolant avec ma fille. Une autre activité pouvant générer une dépendance! 
Nous avons utilisé des bracelets H&M et les avons couverts de macramé en deux couleurs. Voici un tutoriel pour réaliser des bracelets en macramé!

Start with a knot or glue the cottons on the bracelet, then do any macramé knot.

Commencer par un noeud ou collez les cotons sur le bracelet. Ensuite faites n'importe quel noeud de macramé.

Here is the knot I used, very basic. 
Voici le noeud que j'ai utilisé. Très basique.

More bracelets here and here!  /  Encore des bracelets ici et ici!

28 commentaires

  1. Thank you! I have a few bracelets with color and wear them often but wish I had I can! Merci!

  2. I love how beautiful these look together. Thank you for sharing how they are made! I know a little girl who will love them. Maybe I can even teach her how to make them herself for her friends. She is 9 - what do you think?

  3. I couldn't understand how you mix two colors. I tried to do it here but it didn't work. With one color was ok.

  4. Hi Laura, thanks for visiting! You glue or tie the two threads on the bracelet, and you start by doing the double knot with one thread. Then you leave it aside, and you do the double knot with the other color, but in reverse. Then you take the first thread again!

  5. I have seen this macrame on hangers and was wondering how to do it, and now you have shown me with the bracelets, thanks for posting it. Now I will have to try. :)

  6. I have not seen any cotton like this. I wish I knew what specifically this is. I LOVE IT.

  7. love it but i dont understant your tutorials. Would you like to make tutorial movie or more some picture step by step

  8. You can buy them with a dollar in Coyoacan, Mexico ;)

  9. Hi Ale Bubbles! Thanks for your words. Are the bracelets traditional macramé bracelets, or are they, do you think, made after this tutorial? It's always interesting to see how information moves around the world!

  10. Hi, I was wondering what type of yarn or floss you used? I tried this with some embroidery floss, but it didn't really turn out like yours!

  11. I'm using knitting weight cotton, not embroidery floss. It's a bit thicker, and it looks better, and it is quicker!

  12. Hello Maryline,
    Can you tell me an aproximate amout of each color cotton you used to go around each bangle. Thank you

  13. Hi Connie! Hard to say, it will depend on how tight you make the knots. But I always start with a generous adult arm length of each color, and sometimes I can make two bracelets with this.

  14. J ai ré decouvert le macrame que je faisais il y a plus de 20 ans
    je recouvrait des abats jours j adorais cetre activité
    j ai repris avec les bracelets schamballa et autres ils sont superbes
    cc est une activité très agréable il faut bcq de concentration et grâce à you tube je realise bcq de choses

    1. Bonjour Sylviane! Je ne connaissais pas les bracelets Shamballa, ou en tout cas pas le nom!

  15. hi, can someone tell me what knot used? (sorry, I dont speak English)

  16. The knot used here is a basic macramé knot, I don't know the name. But look at the diagram!...

  17. If you are curious about macrame and the history of knotted art, just read on! macrame patterns | macrame bracelet

  18. Super cute. Lovely bracelt DIY project. Gonna give it a go.

  19. Very nice, indeed! Thanks for sharing it.


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