mardi 9 octobre 2012

Birmingham 2012

Abbey Quilters (4 members), Pink Pastiche

Emily Richardson, Came out of the Sea, 2003

Isabella Baykova, Theatre, 2004

Dirjke Van der Horst-Beetsma, Frisian Sky, 2008

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7 commentaires

  1. Wahou.... Quel travail !!!! Merci pour cette petite visite...

  2. These are really inpsiring - love the colour and pattern. And I really like the narrative detail in the 'Theatre' piece!

  3. je suis aussi émerveillée par les "modernes" que par le jardin de grand mère que je n'ai encore jamais eu le courage d'essayer...

  4. So many hexies! I can not even imagine making so many! Overwhelming to even think about!

  5. I know Pam, perhaps knowing that they were a group of four people to achieve that masterpiece helps a bit?

  6. Tres beau!
    Le premier avec tous les hexagones est effectivement a couper le souffle...! :-)


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