mardi 11 juillet 2017

European Art Quilts Grand Finale

Katriina Flensburg, Sweden

Olga and Simon Prins-Lukowski spent thousands of hours of their free time over the last 20 years or so to promote art quilt and textiles. This summer the last exhibition, a Grand Finale, takes place in Goes, The Netherlands. There are 143 quilts hanging, a delight for the eyes. There are also three "one person" exhibits inside, all worth the trip by themselves. They showcase the work of Olga Prins, of Anco Brouwers-Brandehorst and Willy Doreijers, both close and helpful members of the Foundation.
Here are a few pictures of some of the quilts. More details on Instagram, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.

Katriina Flensburg, Sweden, detail

Leslie Gabrielse, The Netherlands

Leslie Gabrielse, The Netherlands, detail

Claire Higgott, United Kingdom 

Claire Higgott, United Kingdom, detail

Marjon Hoftijzer, The Netherlands 

Marion Hoftijzer, The Netherlands 

Dirkje van der Horst, The Netherlands

Dirkje van der Horst, The Netherlands, detail

Marita Lappalainen, Finland

Marita Lappalainen, Finland, detail

Jane Lloyd, Northern Ireland

Jane Lloyd, Norther Ireland, detail

Leslie Morgan, United Kingdom

Leslie Morgan, United Kingdom

Leslie Morgan, United Kingsom, detail

Maryline Collioud-Robert, Switzerland

Maryline Collioud-Robert, Switzerland

Maryline Collioud-Robert, Switzerland, detail

Tuija Oravainen, Finland

Tuija Oravainen, Finland, detail

Mirjam Pet-Jacobs, The Netherlands 

Olga Prins-Lukowski, The Netherlands

Heidi Strand, Iceland

Heidi Strand, Iceland, detail

Cecile Trentini, Switzerland

Cecile Trentini, Switzerland, detail

Irina Voronina, Russia

Irina Voronina, Russia, detail

Anne Woringer, France

Anne Woringer, France, detail

Charlotte Yde, Danemark

Willy Doreleijers, the Netherlands, detail

Anco Brouwers-Branderhorst, The Netherlands

Anco Brouwers-Brandehorst, The Netherlands, detail

Hildegard Braatz, Germany, detail

Bethan Ash, United Kingdom, detail

samedi 1 juillet 2017

Vacations / Vacances

Maryandpatch will be on vacations until the month of August!
But don't despair! Life goes on on Instagram!
And if you have time on your hands, know that I've published more than 1000 posts on this blog. So just go to your favorite search engine, write Maryandpatch and add any term you are interested in, like color, quilt, technique, exhibition, tutorial... You'll find a wealth of old posts, as well as technical and visual information!...

Maryandpath sera en vacances jusqu'au mois d'août!
Mais ne désespérez pas! La vie continue sur Instagram!
Et si vous avez du temps devant vous, sachez que j'ai publié plus de 1000 articles sur ce blog. Alors allez sur votre moteur de recherche, tapez Maryandpatch et ajoutez n'importe quel terme qui vous intéresse, comme couleur, quilt, technique, exposition, tutorial... Vous trouverez une multitude d'articles anciens, ainsi que de l'information visuelle et technique!...

On Instagram

2025 © Mary & Patch. Made with love by The Dutch Lady Designs.