mercredi 23 janvier 2013

Threads / Fils

I'm working on a new quilt, using beautiful Mettler 50 cotton threads to outline multi-colored collages. When I'm finished, I cut all threads, and keep them aside. 
I'll show you tomorrow what I do with them!

Je suis en train de travailler sur un nouveau quilt, avec de beaux fils Mettler 50, pour souligner des collages de couleur. Quand j'ai fini, je coupe tous les fils, et je les mets de côté. 
Je vous montrerai demain ce que j'en fais!

See what others are doing today at WIP / Freshly Pieced
Voyez ce que d'autres ont en route chez WIP / Freshly Pieced

18 commentaires

  1. The pile of threads is quite pretty, I'm intrigued to see what you do with them! The quilt they came from is spectacular as well!

  2. that is some gorgeous quilting- very intrigued to see what you do with the thread!

  3. Lovely looking quilt - can't wait to see the bigger picture! And now I am very curious to see what you do with those threads!

  4. Intriguing indeed...quilt looks fabulous. I am hoping that you put up a bigger picture. Love the colours.

  5. This looks great. I have to come back tomorrow to learn more about what you use this for. Merci beaucoup!

  6. Your beautiful quilt looks very touchable. Can't wait to see what you do with your thread.

  7. Stopping by from Freshly Pieced. I can't wait to see the quilt and what you do with the threads!

  8. Looks great. What a lot of thread changes!!

  9. Thanks everyone for stopping by and leaving a comment! I guess I'll see you tomorrow!

  10. Wow! What a FUN project - absolutely love it. Can't wait to see what you do with the strings.

  11. Wow, you've intrigued me! I'll be returning tomorrow to see what you do with your threads!

    Tabatha at

  12. Trop joli ! les couleurs des fils, l'ouvrage en lui même ! Ca donne envie de voir la suite !

  13. What a fabulous selection of threads. I can't wait to see what you do with the snippings.

  14. I love threads and all these colors. Beautiful!

  15. Curious about what the whole quilt will look like. I love all the color.

  16. That's beautiful! I love your bins of Mettler too - it's hard to find here, but it's so dreamy to sew with!


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© Mary & Patch. Made with love by The Dutch Lady Designs.