mercredi 23 avril 2014

Blue/Orange Quilt, Episode 5

I've been using the Sashiko machine some more, and I'm very glad with the result. 
I have a chronic pain in my right shoulder, and could never have done that by hand. But somehow I find it unfair for the one who do it by hand!… A doubt is about to rise!

J'ai encore utilisé la machine Sashiko, et je suis très contente du résultat.
J'ai une douleur chronique dans l'épaule droite, et je ne pourrais jamais avoir pu faire ça à la main. Mais quelque part je pense que ce n'est pas juste pour celles qui le font à la main!… Un doute va s'installer!

To cut my quilt square, I use a large, heavy, metallic woodworker's set square. It's perfect and it helps a lot. It was a good buy!

Pour couper mon quilt bien carré, j'utilise une grande et lourde équerre métallique de charpentier. C'est parfait et c'est d'une grande aide. C'était un bon achat!

8 commentaires

  1. Wow--what I striking quilt! I am now tempted yet again to buy a sashiko machine. Anyway, the quilt is shaping up beautifully, and I will look forward to seeing the final result!

  2. Your work is so beautiful and inspiring. I love visiting your blog and have been doing so for at least a year but only recently started my own so that I can comment on the lovely things I see here. Thank you!

  3. Oh, how I love this palette!! Just the perfect combination of super bright oranges and saturated blues. Really lovely. Thanks for the tip on the painter's square. What a great idea! Interesting to hear about a Sashiko machine. I am following your link to learn more......

  4. Love the set square, I used one of them in college and never thought to use it to square up a quilt!

  5. I really love the blue/orange fabric your quilt turned out so lovely.

  6. This looks great. I may have to look into this Sashiko Machine. I think I've seen something similar from Babylock at my local quilt store, but couldn't see a good use for it. Now this makes perfect sense.

  7. wow that is really beautiful. I love how blue and orange look together!

    Stopping by from Lee's WIP hop


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© Mary & Patch. Made with love by The Dutch Lady Designs.